How to overthrow the Liberal Group at my College?!?
At my college, there are 2 liberal groups, Amnesty International, and Peace and Justice. I joined Peace and Justice even though I'm a Republican just to make friends and cuz there are no Conservative groups to join.
Anyway, now the group is in danger of falling apart (only 4 are in attendance) and the remaining people want me to take over as President, since our current prez has no vision at all for the group.
When I become President though, I no longer want to follow the Liberal position and would like to force through a "change".
1 What are some ways of doing this without alienating the group?
2. What would be a cool name to rename ourselves? But sounds conservative
3. 10 of my conservative friends are already planning on joining, should I just dump the other 4 liberals once they make me President?
4. The School doesn't allow political parties to have groups, yet they unfairly allow these two which are completely liberal. How should I do all this without alienating the school?