How to overthrow the Liberal Group at my College?!?

At my college, there are 2 liberal groups, Amnesty International, and Peace and Justice. I joined Peace and Justice even though I'm a Republican just to make friends and cuz there are no Conservative groups to join.
Anyway, now the group is in danger of falling apart (only 4 are in attendance) and the remaining people want me to take over as President, since our current prez has no vision at all for the group.
When I become President though, I no longer want to follow the Liberal position and would like to force through a "change".
1 What are some ways of doing this without alienating the group?
2. What would be a cool name to rename ourselves? But sounds conservative
3. 10 of my conservative friends are already planning on joining, should I just dump the other 4 liberals once they make me President?
4. The School doesn't allow political parties to have groups, yet they unfairly allow these two which are completely liberal. How should I do all this without alienating the school?

Lance B2009-10-21T17:08:24Z

Favorite Answer

1. Don't be antagonistic towards them. Most Liberals are just followers anyway. You won't alienate them unless you try to. Instead, take the opportunity to dispel some of their prejudices about Conservatives.
2. Herd of Elephants. Piece and Just Us. Diversity in Action.
3. No, that would make you look like a Liberal.
4. Deny, apologize, patronize, blame others, and deny some more.


Well first of all these groups are not political parties. Amnesty International is a Human Rights and justice advocacy group. It is international and has been around almost 50 years.

I don't know what the Peace and Justice Group is - there are many groups that use that name. But again, not an arm of any political party.

Be that as it may, If your group has a charter with by-laws you probably can't change the purpose or focus of the group - especially if there is an affiliation with a national or international group. But even if the group is informal, why go to the trouble of 'changing it'. Let it die if that's its fate and form a new group with an agenda that suits you.

But 'conservative' is not a proper agenda - that would be an arm of a political party. I think you would do better to choose a cause that conservatives rally to in order to attract Conservatives. But don't hold your breath. In an academic environment clear and independent thinking produces more liberals than conservatives.


I'm curious. After overthrowing the First Amendment, what are you planning on doing next?


just make ur own conservative grout and call it an art group

Comic Sans2009-10-21T16:53:05Z

Just start stating facts. Liberals seem to panic once logic is inserted in the situation.