Is the free exercise of religion, without government intervention...?

at an end? Can we survive without this protection?

Read the constitution. There is no mention of separation of religion from civic affairs. It is quite the opposite: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ". Religion is protected from government intrusion, and rightfully so, because it is religious influence that has moderated and stabilized our culture. Oh, don't give me that old crap about religion causing all the wars. And avoid the use of the trite and useless phrase "separation of church and state". Just answer: Are the constitution's " no law respecting" and "free exercise" rights busted?


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No. Please familiarize yourself with Supreme Court judicial precedent. The separation of church and state is a valid legal principle in the U.S.


Yes, in fact the government is moving towards imposing Christianity on our people.

Did you even read your post? Do you know what it means to 'establish a religion'? It means to endorse a particular religion. Our constitution says the government shouldn't do this or 'prohibit the free exercise of a religion'. So that everyone can worship their own God without interference from the government. If I want to be a Christian. You want to be Islamic and the neighbor wants to be an atheist and the person down the street is a Pantheist, the government can't endorse Judism or prohibit Pantheism

Jesus never forced himself on anyone. He told his disciples to shake the dust off their feet and leave when people didn't want his name. Not to legislate or yap.

Religion is protected from the government AND Government is protected from religion. That is the way it should be: the ONLY safe way for it to be. Otherwise you have the inquisition.

The problem is that government has taken over many things that have traditionally been individual responsibilities such as education, welfare, and health care.

The Little Sisters of Mercy Hospital can give their patients mass every morning. There can be a crucifix in every room, etc all because the hospital belongs to the Catholics and patients can reasonably expect Catholic culture there. Probably the patients have chosen this hospital partly for the Catholic care.
In The City Hospital things become more blurred. If the doctor is a Christian he should have the right to pray with his patients, but the patient should also have the right to refuse. I would feel violated if I had to have mass in a city hospital, and I would expect my Catholic friends to be offended if they had to listen to a protestant sermon about Luther.
At Christ's Children Protestant school children should pray every morning when school starts and every afternoon before they go home. The mural of the playground can have a picture of Jonah and the Whale or Jesus and the Children.
At the Neighborhood Elementary the Jewish, Atheist, Pantheistic, and Islamic child should not be asked to pray to the Christian God, nor the Christians to Allah. The teacher, who, as a public employee, is an authority figure of the state and should not be prosleticyzing her students. Though she has the right to do whatever she pleases in the teacher's lounge. That is how you and I maintain our right to raise our children in the religion of our choice.

Consider this:
Since China closed in 1945, the Christian church has tripled in spite of Christians being slaughtered. TRIPLED. 3X. In America, we have not even managed to retain our children in the church. In Europe where children are forced to sit through Christian classes in their public schools, Christianity has all but died out.
What is with your God that he needs the government behind him? You are ignorant of history and real Christianity. You are a danger to yourself and others.


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ".

This means that the USA does not recognize any ONE religion as its own. It means that religions are not to have an influence on what decisions are made among congress. And that no religion shall be protected over another.

Nice try.


I'm a Baptist. The first Baptists in America came from countries in Europe where the King and the Church (Roman church, and after the Reformation, the Lutheran, Calvinist, Anglican, etc, churches) together required: 1)everyone to belong to the government church; 2) everyone to pay 10% of his income to the government church; 3) everyone to go to the congregation in the parish where he lived; 4) everyone listen to the priest at the church where they made them go.

My spiritual forefathers resisted. They had a 'gathered' church of people who wanted to be there. They read the Book for themselves, they decided they would wait until they were old enough to choose Xianity to be baptised, and hence their name. For their troubles, they were beaten, dismembered, killed and exiled.

I will not dishonor that by having some Republican idiot claim to do government in God's Holy name.


Except that under Brown vs Board of Education the Supreme court SPECIFICALLY stated the LEGAL INTERPRETATION of the first amendment was separation of church and state making it a part of the constitution by way of legal ruling.

That's how it works.

Religion is as free as it ever was here. The government can't tell me what to believe and even more importantly protects me from the Christians who are trying to tell me what to believe. How is that a bad thing.

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