Showing a Saddlebred/TWH at an open show in a conformation/halter class?

My boyfriend has a pinto Saddlebred/TWH cross gelding that is 20. In November we are taking him, along with 3 other horses (all QH or Paints) to a fun open show. I am used to showing Paints and QH in halter and know a little about showing Arabians at halter from a friend.
I have NO CLUE how to show a gaited Walker/Saddlebred in hand, and want my boyfriend to have fun, but still try to do it right. Can anyone help me? I was planning on getting a leather halter with silver conchos and having my boyfriend park his horse out kinda like a saddlbred for the halter class. Would this be OK?


Favorite Answer

First a general note: Please get a hold of a rulebook and read it! As a judge, it is amazing to me the number of competitors who don't know the rules! Usually the winners of halter classes end up being the people break the fewest rules. Most open shows, at least in my area, go by the 4-H rule book which is available at your local extension office. In Ohio, I think they are only $5.

Your choice of halters and stances is a very minor point compared to how the handler conducts himself in the ring. That said, your horse would probably be considered "easy-gaited" and can be shown in English or Western tack. Since you are choosing to use Western tack, it might be more appropriate NOT to park, but to have the horse stand like a traditional western horse. It would not be wrong to have him parked, though. However you think the horse would impress the judge most would be fine.


My best friend shows a Rocky Mountain, and from what I've seen when she shows, she wears a leather halter with conchos and a matching lead CHAIN. The chain is acceptable over or under the nose, or if you don't need the chain, run the end with the clasp through the loop where you would normally put it, then clip it to the other end of the chain. There are some Walkers in her classes, and they are parked out, along with Saddlebreds and Rockies. I have a Saddlebred and show her, but not in halter or showmanship. As far as I know, just wear the appropriate attire for Western - a jacket, matching pants, boots, and hat. Gloves are optional. DO NOT wear chaps and spurs - my other friend wore chaps and got disqualified. And I heard the same will happen if you wear spurs. And if you show Saddleseat too, then you use a BRIDLE, not a halter. Didn't know if you knew that or not. But I think a great idea would be to consult the rulebook!! Also, the quadrants are still the same: since you know about showing Paints and QH, you should be able to explain to your boyfriend where to stand when the judge inspects you. In line up, you still follow the rules to where you are on the opposite side of the judge, to show your horse off. Hope this helped!!!!!!


I actual have entered my gaited horse in English walk/trot training and located. inspite of the undeniable fact that, I instruct saddleseat, no longer hunt seat. Saddleseat training many times have gaited horses in them, and don't require riders on gaited horses to submit. Hunt seat training require riders to submit, this is almost impossible on a gaited horse. So if this is a usual English class, you're able to instruct your horse saddleseat. despite if this is especially a hunt seat class, and you enter a gaited horse, you will maximum possibly no longer place. to determine, this is advisable to touch the instruct supervisor and ask if the class you desire to go into could be perfect for a gaited horse. this could allow you to have a definitive answer, and could additionally enable the instruct administration understand that there will be a gaited horse there, so they can supply the decide word.


go to Schneiders online

this site has a lot of Arabian/ Saddlebred halters and Attire. It will give you some good ideas