How to look good? what do girls look expect to see from a decent guy?

so girls what you do want to see and expect from a good looking guy that you think is decent and has a shot at getting a date with you?
in other words what do you want from a guy?
trimmed nails?

idk! so thats why im asking!


Favorite Answer

ha. well both of those would be nice. they need to have good hygiene in general though. he needs to be sweet and caring and be able to make me feel safe when i am scared... he needs to be able to get dressed up and look nice sometimes. i mean a tshirt and jeans are fine the majority of the time.. but its nice to see a guy all cleaned up a dressed nicely. i guess thats basically it. hope i helped! =)


Everything good because Ive never had that. I havent been on a real date (where the guy picks you up and takes you out to treat you) in a very long time. It would floor me if someone asked me out.