What is the estimated radical islamic population in Somalia?

I am doing a report on Somalia and would like to talk about radical islam in Somalia. I have searched online and I cannot find any sites that give an estimated population of Islam radicals in Somalia. Do you know any web sites that would help me with this info? Thanks.


NO duh they don't walk around with it written on their shits. THat's why I asked if anyone knew of a website that gave an estimate. Somalia is over run by radical islamists and I'm sure there has to be an estimate of how many radicals their think are in the country. It is just like an estimate of the taliban. No one in the Taliban walks with the word taliban on their back but their are lots of estimates of how many taliban there are.


Favorite Answer

I doubt it. No one would admit to being a radical.


i think it's hard to pinpoint thw radicals since they don't walk around with "radical" written on their shirts.


hahaha what a silly question.
how could we know exactly how many people in the world are radical islam, radical christian, radical jews, radical neo-nazis etc..