How often do you pray?Has God ever spoken to you?
What does he sound like?
What does he sound like?
Favorite Answer
I pray that people stop asking stupid questions on Yahoo Answers, but that's proof that prayer will never work.
And by the way, whoever hears 'God' speaking to them needs to be examined for hearing pretend voices in their head.
I pray everyday .. At night right before bed is me and gods time..I pray for everything on my heart and thank him soooo much for everything .. After I feel so wonderful.. Yes god has spoken through my dreams.. After my cousin ( who was like my bestfriend) died I was pissed at god .. I didn't pray for almost a month.. Then one night I had a dream about my cousin and my papaw flying in heaven racing eachother and happier then ever.. When I woke up I started balling crying.. I begged god for forgiveness and I just completely cried while I was praying that was the day I say when I offically bcame a christain :)
I pray at least 1 to 2 times a day. God has spoken to me many times and he sounds like, a peaceful voice talking to you, all you have to do it close your eyes, try and empty your mind of any thought and see what happens, he will be there.
Never. Pray to what? If anyone thinks that they hear a god, then what they are really hearing could well be some trick used for making sounds that the weaker minds think is a god speaking.
Kawan 1
I pray 5 times a day, as if i see Him for surely He sees me. What He says and sounds like? you have to sincerely live the religion He has chosen for mankind for a minimum of 40 days to begin to understand the meaning of life.