If your spaceship crashed on anew planet?

What seven ideas would you instill in ypurself, to support your future survival, and possible generation of a lineage.


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The seven ideals I would en-spouse are;
Equality, all mankind are created with equal rights and responsibilities
Freedom, people have a right to chose providing their choices do not clash with the freedom of others
Love, when love is given with out questioning if the other person deserves it, this allows the other person to grow in self esteem.
Mutual Respect, each person accepting the other as they are imperfect beings
Co-operation, working together towards a common goal for the good of themselves and the group
Dignity, not to be put down for not conforming to another persons ideas of how a person should be.
Peace. to work towards harmony with each other not arguing or fighting with each other.


1. Consider carefully and quickly whether your chances are better alone or with the group. In a group, there are usually people who get cut-in only on a low-status basis. They have to do the scut jobs, the hard work, but receive little appreciation or reward for it. That's in contrast to the high-status "leaders" whose major contribution is talking, advising, giving orders... whether they actually know what they are doing is beside the point. It might be wiser for you to take your possessions and scram into the brush before anybody can stop you or steal your stuff. The rule is: if you aren't being accepted for what you are worth, then LEAVE! When everyone does this, the do-nothing blowhards will not be able to dominate anyone.

2. Watch the cook carefully. He might be thinking of poisoning the other men so he can have the ladies all to himself. The same goes for the bartender. If you ARE the cook, then this is something for you to consider doing. Just be sure that you either: (1) poison all your potential rivals at the same time, so there won't be any survivors to take revenge, or (2) poison them one at a time, feeding them separately, so that it looks like they died from some mysterious illness or creature bite. PS, you might want to let the women get preggers by the other guys ONCE, to keep the gene pool well stocked, then kill your rivals so you can sire all the rest of the colony's children.


that,s a good idea fail-safe space exploration ,,,just in case the ship crashes and the crew survives and they can breathe the atmosphere , and there is some sort of food and water supply...we should bring along some breeders cause you never know when you may have to keep the human race going or start the human race on another planet.
once that,s accomplished then i,ll worry about planet domination.


you def need a gov't of some sort, granted it hasn't been workin so hot in the near past, and has no sign of changing for the better, but anarchy is just a bad idea, in that things get chaotic really quickly, and then you establish a gov't anyway, even if you didn't mean to, or don't realize it. No matter what arguments will arise, and someone will probably consistantly resolve them, a leader will usually naturally arise


There are reported cases from third world countries. Developing countries have stronger traditions of spirit worship (this is a gross generalization, I realize) but there are several cases where a story told as spirit visitation, is reinterpreted as an alien landing by the west. There are people who see alien landings in the bible, and those people were not a developed country by any means.

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