Are there any EJ and Sami fans left(days of our lives)?


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Bunches! There's this spoiler board I go to and they are about split between Ejami, Lumi and Safe but the ones that wants Ejami are just as alive and kicking as they ever was. They got a huge fan base.


I am.
I watch the show and do not remember the rape.
I remember when Sami was looking for help when the ceiling fall down at the lodge where Sami and Lucas was staying and EJ came along and said he would help only if he could make love to her. She gave in but it was not a rape. Lucas was trapped underneath a rafter. EJ and Nicole are a good match but the story line has Nicole in a hated position. I don't like Rafe for Sami and have no thoughts as to what should be done with Rafe.


I love EJ and Sami together.
He never raped anyone. Sami had a choice... rape victims do not. Sami chose to sleep with EJ in exchange for his help. If anything, she prostituted herself. BUT... I love Sami so I won't hold that against her especially since I know how she and EJ are meant to be. They are true soulmates.

Kitty 22014-04-10T11:59:31Z

Its Not going to be long before EJ and sami split.


I think EJ is hot. He and Sami are essential to the success of days. I like both of them and I like rafe but sami and ej really belong together.

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