If Manny Pacquiao wins the fight what excuses will boxing experts come up with?

Cotto was dehydrated and looked old.

Cotto was overrated.

Manny had bricks in his gloves etc.


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Those you mentioned will be the excuses except the gloves. True experts will give him credit for what he deserved!


Depending on what happens in a fight I can see this argument: That the beating at the hands of Margarito took something out of Cotto that he can not get back.

Once a fighter gets his chin dented it can be very hard to un-dent it. Once Hatton got KO'd his chin became very suspect. There was a time when Ricky could walk through hellfire but those days are gone. The thing is, this sort of aging can happen overnight. One day the body just doesn't react to those shots the same way anymore.

If Manny wins in dramatic fashion I can see people saying that Cotto has been on a downhill slide since Margarito. He looked like crap in the Clottey fight, getting roughed up by a guy with almost zero punch output.


Floyd Mayweather would win, no doubt about that. Pacquiao struggled against Marquez and had very close fights with him on three different occassions. And he got KOed in their fourth fight. Yet, you could see Mayweather beat Marquez so easily. Mayweather would be too much for Pacquiao. He would counter Pacquiao almost every round, just like he did against Marquez. I think Pacquiao would do a little bit better, but in the end, he would lose. I say 116-112 UD for Mayweather.


No excuses...

Everyone keeps saying Cotto is still shell shocked from the Margacheato fight...so...we'll see...


Lol probably nothing. Everyone seems to love Pac and want to jiggle with his nutsack. But if it was Mayweather those statements would apply. Cotto would magically turn old, and magically was never that good, and magically stuck plaster in his gloves. You know, the usual.

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