How Is this a good song for National Adoption Month?

I know a different version of this was asked earlier, but I cannot stop thinking about what a tragedy adoption was for so many of us.

Every ad I see, every positive adoption story I read reminds me of how I was forced to give up my child in 1966 and how that pain never stopped.

Do songs like this help people understand or do most people just blow it off saying this was not the norm?

Joni Mitchell - The Magdelene Laundries


Ummm Rosie, had you read correctly I was discussing my own feelings as a mother. Sorry Rosie - you cannot dictate to us how to feel - that is not hi-jacking anything. I am asking a question and asking for intelligent discourse, not some kind of defensive response that I'm not allowed to feel this way. And whatever it's original purpose - the media has glommed onto this month to glorify adoption.


Just wanted to say I meant to ask the question "Is" this a good song, for some of us, not "How". I recognize that it was different for all of us.


Oh my dear Rosie - it ain't about me and it ain't about you? Please show some respect and sensitivity if you feel the need to horn in on my question about my own feelings.

It most certainly IS about me - I lost my only child to the adoption machine - would you have more compassion had he languished in foster care instead of being adopted? How dare you be so rude?

If you're so bored, don't read here. You run along now and have a wonderful National Adoption Month. But those of us who really suffered are entitled to our own feelings and opinions.


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It's a beautiful and heart-wrenching song. I can definitely see where, especially those moms who lost during the BSE, identify with it.

As for this month and what it means - I would be all for it if it truly addressed and educated the public about all sides of adoption, not just the hearts and rainbows, be a savior and rescue a child.

Even if this month did just focus on foster care, which whether it was meant to or not, it doesn't, I still don't see it as offering anything more than the same myths and "one-sided" beliefs that need to be changed for everyone, especially the adoptees, who have traveled and will travel through the journey of adoption.

Where is the information about the loss even foster children feel? Where is the fight to open up records and stop the secrets? Where is the insight to the fact that one reason so many chlidren wait in foster care for a family is because so many want that newborn baby instead? Where is the help, the support, the education to prepare foster parents and adoptive parents to be the best they possibly can for their children and to help them not only work through their loss but also know it is okay and they are free to talk about it without fear of losing all over again?

Show me where this month advocates for that kind of "real" awareness and I will change my tone. Until them, I have every right to hate a month set aside to glorify something that is based and begun on loss for mother and child.


Yes due to the fact that it brings concentration to the desire for adoptive mother and father who will undertake kids from the foster care method. The individuals who undertake foster kids want the entire encouragement they may be able to get and to rejoice on this system does simply that. EDIT: Why the thumb?? I bet foster youngsters will have to stay foster youngsters til they age out after which as a way to be an extra travesty to jot down approximately. Without foster mother and father and adoptive useful resource mother and father, kids will age out and despite the fact that it's unhappy those youngsters misplaced their usual households...allow us to no longer omit the intent those youngsters come into custody. The households I have obvious at those celebrations aren't those who've controlled to undertake an boy or girl...they're the households who've followed young adults, sibling corporations, specific demands kids, often kids who will ceaselessly be dependant upon their a/mother and father, probably instances due to the fact that mother could not keep off the medicines while she used to be pregnant or one or each mother and father meeted out a few severe, bodily, impairing abuse. So, allow's weep for the households who had been misplaced....however take into account with out the humans who will undertake and wish to make households for those kids....those kids particularly lose. These kids want awareness. The kids who will arise at the back of them will want it too. Child abuse isn't going to depart, been round ceaselessly. I see not anything unsuitable with National Adoption Day due to the fact that I recognise why it got here it to be..... Thumbs anybody??


I don't like Joni Mitchell, lol.

Seriously??? I cannot believe that people would think we are trying to hijack "National Adoption Month". Whoever believes this needs to purge the kool-aid they have been drinking from their system.

THE NCFA- the organization that makes MILLIONS of dollars off the pain of young women. Y'all need to get a clue.

eta for Rosie: You wrote,
"The agencies and NCFA that promote newborn adoptions can also STFU and step back if they are not going to help with improving Foster care. Their doing it still doesn't make it right to take away from the focus on the needs of older and special needs children in state care.

I read just fine, I am not naive and I do have a clue.
But it ain't about me and it ain't about you.

Stick your thumbs in the air, I really don't care.
Point them to the floor, I find it a bore.

It's about the children in Foster Care today."

You make no sense. It's SUPPOSED to be about Foster care. Its no longer that. If you think the NCFA cares anything about foster care or children in general, you are naive. They care about money. Reunification is NOT the NCFA's goal. They wont make money if there is not an adoption.

How about you send THEM a snarky note? As an ADOPTEE, and a human being who hates human rights violations, it most certainly IS about me. The adoption machine has MADE it about me. If you care so much about it, you should be speaking out against the NCFA.



Most people blow it off as not the norm. When I talk about my experience people will make all the right noises but then add that it wasn't/isn't the norm .... sigh!!

Rosie ~ I understand what you are getting at and it's the same here in the UK but there is only a week of it that we suffer. I understand the reasoning behind it and I agree with it in principle. What I don't like about are the adoptive parents who say how wonderful adoption is and how perfect their children are and how perfectly wonderfully complete their lives are. Yeah, right adoption is really about cutesy lil bunny rabbits and fluffy cotton wool clouds with no such thing as a dark side to adoption. What I would prefer to see is real education about adoption and the realities of it. I live the dark side of adoption every day and am another one who is entitled to feel the way I do.


Thanks for sharing that song, it brought tears to my eyes as I thought of 1972, the year I have my daughter up.

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