severe heel pain - google: plantar faciitis?

pain is intense when walking. anyone knows of an effective and quick remedy which last. Tried icing it, resting it, using heel cushion too - these work but only temporary


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This is terrible, it takes time but it will get better, stretch your feet calves alot, and rest, then get some shoe inserts to wear in your shoes for more support


You might be able to find a good surgeon who could scrape off the excess bone, but who's to say it won't come back, especially if you don't change whatever habits brought it on in the first place. Vigorous massage is very helpful, on the painful areas, and all around the heel where the fascia attaches, and at the point in the center of the heel (extra point ShiMien), and all around the calcaneal tendon (Achilles' tendon), and any trigger points in the calf muscles. Most people cannot massage their feet vigorously enough -- it's too hard on your hands! So go spend $10 on a "Footsie Roller," a wooden thingy that's like a ridged rolling pin that really can get into the corners. You can sit or stand and put pressure on it, far more than your hands could ever do. A golf ball is OK, but it's hard to control, and doesn't have the same ability to get into a narrow spot. You can also get a boot at a medical supply house for wearing at night that dorsiflexes the foot so the plantar fascia can't contract overnight (the reason the pain is usually the worst first thing on getting out of bed). The shoe inserts will probably help the symptoms, as long as they're not too soft, and the heel is elevated. (may seem contradictory, as you might think soft and cushiony would be the way to go, but firm really is better) NSAIDS will help the pain also, but as you noted, do nothing for the cause. Similarly, a cortisone shot may take down the inflammation temporarily, but you can only get so many cortisone shots before your connective tissue starts melting. Good luck. Be well.


Omg, I have the exact same problem. My mom doesn't even care. -.- We don't have insurance so I'm just gonna ask her if we can go to goodwill and but some bandages and crutches