Is "creeper" not the most idiotic thing in the world?

Seems like little teen girls say everything is "creepy" or everyone is a "creeper" whenever someone gives either them or a friend a compliment.

For example, I just saw this today.

A girl had a picture on myspace and a guy made a comment:

"dang that's cute".

The next comment was a girl, one of her friends I guess:

"dang that's cute

Creeeper, say what?
Prettty [her name]!"

I do not see how the original comment is in any way creepy. Is it just me that thinks that or what? This isn't the only time I've seen this occur either.


"creeper" is a word i use a lot

and idk
i like using that word instead or pedophile

is that ok?


Im not a creeper *shivers*

Miss Potter Puppet Pal2009-11-03T14:46:53Z

no!! i use the word creeper at least once a day!!!!

Rachel (2010)2009-11-03T14:45:24Z

alrighty then...