Party Limitations in MW2?

Who else thinks that it is out of place for Infinity Ward to not allow party chat? I personally use party chat so I can talk to my buddies about personal stuff and that sort of thing which would i would never want to talk about with a dozen other people online overhearing. You also can't talk to your friends who are playing another game either which is totally wrong. Whats the point of the party chat option if games are going to start limiting it?

Emily J2009-11-04T10:23:34Z

Favorite Answer

Infinity Ward is a money hungry corrupt monster that wants to eat your soul by listening to everything that you have to say and studding your every movement.


You can still use Private Chat.. And it is good. As people ruin games by not talking. Every Xbox comes with a Headset now.. USE IT!!! If you wanna talk to your friends just play in the game with them, and mute the others!

Saaj S2009-11-04T18:26:13Z

It's all bobby kotick's doing.