What is the name of the large island and the large lake?

I'm a small island in a small lake on an large island in a large lake. Can you guess the names of the large lake and the large island?

SAMUEL ELI2009-11-05T17:15:38Z

Favorite Answer

Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron
There are several lakes on the island, including Manitou Lake, the largest lake on an island in a lake.


Choco Crunchies2009-11-04T23:09:32Z

Vulcan Point

"Vulcan Point is frequently cited in the Philippines as the world's largest volcanic island within a lake on an island within a lake on an island, namely, Vulcan Point within Crater Lake, on Taal Island within Lake Taal, on the island of Luzon."


australia is largest island and large lake victoria at africa



first hit


The Taal volcano?

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