Pregnancy symptoms or flu symptoms?

I am 34 weeks pregnant and wondering if I might be coming down with the flu (no shots available here), but I'm not sure how to tell. Everything I'm feeling is both a flu symptom and normal for pregnancy:
stuffy nose
and generally feeling hot.

I have an occasional cough, but that's normal for me, too.

I am at work so can't check for a fever.

So how do I know if I'm sick or just having a rotten pregnancy day?

Logan and Ella's Mommy2009-11-05T12:39:04Z

Favorite Answer

If you have a fever it's a flu. Take your temp when you get the chance and call your doctor. It's more likely that you are getting sick if you have aches like a flu and a fever.


These sound more like flu symptoms than anything. She may have a cold or maybe allergies. However, nausea, upset stomach, fatigue and aches and pains are associated with pregnancy symptoms as well. There are other pregnancy symptoms to look for as well - sore breasts, light spotting or a missed period, morning sickness, etc. Since her period should be here shortly you should wait and see if her period does come. If it doesn't then she should definitely take a home pregnancy test. First Response is accurate and can be taken about 3 to 4 days before her period is due. Otherwise if her symptoms last longer than a week she should see a doctor.

preggers with #22009-11-05T12:37:06Z

call ur doctor and see what she would recommend.