What is the deal today?

I came on this morning and all I saw was crap about RUBS and Harley owners and fags. I never watched an episode of South Park in my life and I doubt I ever will. Is this the fuel of the trolls? I knew this was a bad subject but I never knew it was this bad this early. I see stuff from through the day and it doesn't seem to be getting better. Evidently BART is using several new aliases? I don't own a Harley but I know many that do. Fags? I seriously doubt it. They all appreciate things they worked for and appreciate the fact that us metric riders work for our rides too. We don't snub each other and we all wave when we meet. Evidently the rest of the world is either getting too many drugs or not enough. Even the sport bike riders here are friendly and wave. We even ride together sometimes. Anyone that dislikes other riders just because they ride a different make of bike is a jerk. I am proud of my metric and I may buy a Harley later on. What does that make me? A wannabe RUB? I have a friend that sold his Harley and kept his Honda. Does that make him a piece of shi t? No, he said the Honda was more comfortable to him and I respect that. I even thought about buying HIS Harley but changed my mind. I think it is time to quit feeding the trolls here! Maybe they'll starve out?

Firecracker .2009-11-05T14:27:12Z

Favorite Answer

I guess the deal is that the kids were actually influenced by their cartoon.
So, that gave us a couple of temporary trolls.
Kids get bored, they'll go away soon.


I ride an Italian bike, and could care less what someone else can afford or choose to ride. The point South Park was trying to make was about obnoxiously loud pipes.

I don't think the extreme the show took it too makes much sense, but I do agree that there is such thing as too loud. You can have a good sound without a stupidly loud exhaust system.

Oh yeah, and straight pipes lose back pressure, and hence performance.


You think we have a troll problem here? You need to go check out the Religion & Spirituality section on Y/A. Trust me man, you haven't seen nothing yet. Level 1 posters as far as the eye can see. And I agree with ddrum about the breakdown of the people posting responses on here. Normally I try to help out where ever I can and offer assistance when possible, but there's some times when a certain question really presses your buttons that you turn into that condescending smartass he was talking about. For the most part I just skim right over those obvious troll questions. I think most of us on here have better things we can be doing with our time.


Excellent point man. It seems there are 3 basic types here; those that are here to help/be helped, those that come here to vent frustrations (characterized by their condescending smartass answers) and trolls. Unfortunately the trolls will continue to do their thing as long as we let them get to us. Just ignoring them is the best thing. I admittedly did respond to one of those today with a short sarcastic answer but I probably should have not answered at all.


Whats makes you think you can't buy a bike and register it at 16 I looked it up on dmv tell me on my question

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