What does it mean when your damaged goods?

In terms of boxing: critics say Cotto is damaged goods, does it mean that he's not confident or scared of his opponents?


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Psychological effected by a previous lost. A boxer starts doubting their skill and physicality. It's all mental then that doubt effects the physical.


It refers to brain damage as a result of repeated blows to the head. Meldrick Taylor was damaged goods at the end of his career, the HBO documentary showing the horrific difference in speech and dexterity between a young Meldrick Taylor and Meldrick at the end of his career was about as stark a comparison as any in history. Unfortunately it happens to a great many fighters, and as they age, you notice speech changes and a decline in reflex's as well as a marked drop off in ability. I don't think Cotto is seriously impaired, but the beating he took at the hands of Margarito was enough to cause questions. The Pacquiao fight will answer those questions, but obviously an injured fighter is an easy victim at the level Cotto and Pacquiao will be fighting.

Normen Bates2009-11-05T19:21:03Z

Damaged goods is a term used to descride a fighter that's been ruined by a number of tough fights.


kinda like traumatized and not the same after he took a beating from margarito


beaten up