Do you feel let down when you get best answer because?

no one else answered?


Favorite Answer

No. If no-one answered the question, at least you are guaranteed the 10 points for the best answer, even if you have to vote for your own answer.
When other users answer the question, there's no guarantee that you will get chosen or voted the best answer, even if your answer is the best answer.


Of course not! Many questions go to voting and the Best Answer is voted. When it's the only answer, it could be a totally wrong answer and still get the vote. Many people just vote to get the point for voting, without even looking at the answer. Or pick just any answer when there's more than one answer... which could be a totally wrong answer. Or sometimes, when the asker chooses, they just choose because they think they have to rather than choosing "No Best Answer". It doesn't matter to me one way or the other.


No it's like you were the only one to know about the FREE CANDY!!


ooh piece of candy!

^^ I totally agree^^