Rabbit with Intermittent soft stool?
I was told to take my rabbit off of pellets all together to get rid of the ISS issue he was having. So far it has worked, he gets fresh veggies, lots of hay, and a little bit of fruit everyday. My worry is that he might not be getting all the vitamins that are needed that he'd be getting from the pellets. He drinks a thousand times as much water as he did before, and his bedding is always sopping wet a day after I change it. I'm constantly feeding him. I think i put like 5 handfuls of hay in a day (timothy) and I give him a wide range of different green veggies. He only gets fruits as a treat. I'm just wondering, should I be giving him a dietary supplement, and maybe a little bit of old fashioned rolled oats? I've never had a rabbit with ISS before and we've recently moved so I have no way of going to see the vet i went to to ask her these questions.