Has anyone used Truehope EMPowerplus for depression or bipolar disorder?

I just heard about it from a friend. I don't know if I can trust all the rave reviews I found about it on google.

Amin K2009-11-07T15:22:14Z

Favorite Answer

I personally have never heard of this. I am bipolar and I know that many of these off the wall treatments are the ones which tend to cause more problems. One in particular is the information that St. John's Wort being used for bipolar. In reality this is a substance that instead of treating bipolar as it states actually causes one to have mania. If you are either depressed or bipolar it is best to ask your psychiatrist just what he or she has heard of this treatment and just what they may feel regarding its safety especially when you are on a cocktail of drugs ranging from high blood pressure to depression and on to bipolar. If you do have either bipolar disorder or depression do not fool around with different substances on the market which have not been proven to be affective when dealing with all medications which you may be on.


BiPolar is a disease just like diabetes or heart disease and requires medication. It is a problem with the brains production of the chemical Serotonin and the neurotransmitters. If you had diabetes you would certainly take your insulin to keep yourself alive and well and the same with heart disease. The antidepressants work on these chemicals to help the production. Please don't let anybody convince you that there are natural cures as there aren'.t There are a lot of people out there making money on what they call cures and a lot of people who don't understand BIPolar. Please take care of yourself and trust your medications.