What if Slayer were an Instrumental band?

I got inspired to ask this question after reading an interview with Dave Lombardo. A question was presented to him that asked if he liked it when singers from other bands filled in on vocals when Tom's voice when out a few times. Dave said the thought it sucked and most of the singers don't know the words. He also said he wished that they played an instrumental set of Slayer songs when Tom's voice went out. I thought his answer was very interesting. I think I would be cool to see Slayer once as an instrumental band.

What do you guys think?

B.Q: Are there any bands you'd like better if the vocals were different or gone completely? (without changing any of the music)


Dispite my question about Slayer, the band I love to see without or with different vocals is Six Feet Under. Great music, but the all that growling just kills me, lol


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Yeah, I think that lots of people, especially artsier people, find it hard to take Slayer seriously with lyrics about brutality and violence, just because it is so extreme, and so over the top. But, they are very musically sound, and much better straight up musicians than they get credit for. I think that if if they played instrumental shows, more musically diverse people such as ourselves would appreciate it, but the majority of greasy, drooling headbanging fools that give metalheads a bad name wouldn't understand it, and then they would riot, and it wouldn't end well.

BQ: Queensryche. I really like them, They were a;ways lumped i with Glam Metal bands because they rose to fame in the late 80's, but they were about as glam as Dream Theater (who would also put on a great Instrumental show. Imagine John Myung doing a 10 minute bass solo. Me and the 5 other bassists in the audiences would love it, while everyone else was bored to sleep, but, whatever.) Anyway, Queensrche has a lot of social commentary in their vocals, but Doing an Instrumental show would allow the raw, free emotions that all of their songs have just flow, and allow people to feel it, rather than being told what/how to feel. And Silent Lucidity would be a beautiful instrumental.


Good question. Slayer would be pretty cool if it were just instrumentals. My favorite Slayer album is Divine Intervention and It would be different if no vocals. I think Sometimes that a more death metal vocals would be neat. Some early Ben Falgoust would be cool as ****.
Cryptopsy!!! There vocals suck on every album. Sorry Lord Worm but your voxx suck too. Its a shame because the music is so cool.
I think it would the coolest thing ever is if Origin turned up the volume on the bass drums. There always so low in the mix which is craziness.
Oh, Malevolent Creation. I dont care for they're vocals either.


I'm not really a big fan of Slayer so I don't know but there are definitely some metal bands that would be better without singing.


properly for my area between the main suitable instrumental bands is between The Buried and Me. They placed on an excellent tutor. Did like 3 or 4 of their songs prepare in bout one long 30-40 5 minute music no breaks from it, basically instant transition to the subsequent music.


god i hate that too, especially when you almost beat the boss with a limited life left and then a second boss comes and kills your party. it's pure bullsh*t

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