Why is it that christianity claims to be of jewish converts?
yet is 99.9% non arabic and in its own holy land it is only a minor religion 90% of the peoples of the holy land are non-christian?
yet is 99.9% non arabic and in its own holy land it is only a minor religion 90% of the peoples of the holy land are non-christian?
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Well Jesus was Jewish...
1) What has arabic got to do with either Judaism or Christianity?
2) Christianity claims to be an extension of Judaism (we part at the identity of the Messiah and interpretations of the OT that support the notion that Jesus Christ is the Messiah), NOT that current Christians are converts from Judaism.
3) The Holy Land is non-Christian because of several waves of invasions, starting with the Islamic invasion that turned the majority of the people in the Middle East to Islam through their tax policy and relegating other religions to second class status. Despite this, a vibrant community of Christians still exists in the Middle East.
Greg S
The thing about the Jewish to the Christian, they are like the Fathers of our (Christian) faith. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, of Israel, of David, Of Solomon is our God. We share that same heritage. And as Paul teaches, we (the Gentiles) and the Jews are all the same in the Grace of God through our Lord Jesus Christ. The Jewish history serves as an example to the Christian Gentile. We are New Testament believers but its foundation is in the Old Testament. Unfortunately the Holy Land is being over run with people who do not belong there. For the sake of peace, Israel has given up most of its heritage, but in the end God will restore Israel to its rightful place with its rightful people. As others said, read your history books. I believe God, founded America as a temporary refuge for the Jewish people (read Jewish History in America, it's fascinating) since they are the ones who really gave the United States its place in the world. Until the Jewish people in Israel cry out to God, they will remain in turmoil. But the day will come when they do, and He comes to their rescue by the Sword and Rod of our Lord Jesus Christ. And as He promises, David will rule Israel again.
It is only because the 12 apostles of Christ were Jews.
The apostles mostly converted pagans. Christians and Jews are definitely two different faiths.
smoking frog
have you ever read a history book?