WHat does it mean when you have dead killers whales in your dream?

I had this REALLY ODD and scary dream soooo many killer whales just falling from a water fall and there was sooo many of them , like that was where the water would take there bodies and some blood on some of them like sharks where trying to eat them.. then GOD it such a long dream but what could it mean -Dead Killer Whales?


Wow the first guy was pretty much on the target@ you know what else im deeply scared of HIGHTS and there was about 7 times i almost feel off the edge and sometimes i knew i was going to fall it was soo wierd it was a huge ledge and i would just fall it bc i was sooo scared i would fall off and then oh god it was sooooo odd


Favorite Answer

recount the previous day before you went to sleep and see what happened that day dreams are just ways of working out your problems of the day.

Frater Z.2009-11-12T10:35:05Z

Water is the realm of the subconscious. I see the killer whales as being the marine equivalent of lions - kings of thier domain. Healthy killer whales might represent that all is in order (as much as it can be!) in the subconscious. Dead ones might represent some difficulty the subconscious is trying to overcome. It's telling you "Look, I'm having difficulty here!"

However, death in dreams represent evolution... moving into a higher state. Sharks, being the scavengers they are, might represent the old way being recycled back into a new form of life.

Sounds like to me your subconscious is discarding the old structures and advancing into a new, advanced state... with all the attendant anxieties that go along with it.

To help with the anxiety try this: Before falling asleep, speak to your subconscious as if it were another person. Say something along these lines: "I hear you talking to me. I'm getting your messages, but I'm having difficulty understanding them. Can you express them another way?" The subconscious will continue to express itself, but perhaps in a way that's less stressfull and less baffling.


Falling is a recurring theme of fear.

You have a set of large problems that are eating at you. They seem quite large to you, some are even becoming too much to handle (bleeding).


Dream Meanings Killer Whale