English, tough sentance to structure.?

"Until 1987, the year when the Food and Drug Administration introduced the Prescription Drug Marketing Act, prescription drugs have been distributed without regulation. " I'm using this in a reasearch paper and need to know if it's clear enough, structured correctly. Please help.


the sentance following says "Even with current laws regulating distribution, prescription drugs are highly accessible."

Jesus on the Dashboard2009-11-12T18:36:23Z

Favorite Answer

The only correction I would make is to change "have" to "had." Until 1987...prescription drugs had been distributed without regulation.


Until 1987 when the Food and Drug Administration introduced the Prescription Drug Marketing Act, prescription drugs were distributed without regulation.


Prescription drugs were distributed without regulation until 1987 when the Food and Drug Administration introduced the Prescription Drug Marketing Act.

It is not necessary to put the words "the year" after 1987.

Mrs. Coogan2009-11-12T18:34:11Z

Prescription drugs were distributed without regulation until 1987, when the Food and Drug Administration introduced the Prescription Drug Marketing Act.

There you go : )