What was the largest "man-made" nuclear and non nuclear detonations?

I would like to know what country detonated the most powerful nuclear explosion, what the device was called ( or named ) and where was it detonated? Also the most powerful "non-nuclear" explosion, by what country and where was it detonated?

Hi, I'm Richard.2009-11-15T03:23:17Z

Favorite Answer

The most powerful nuclear device, a 50 megaton hydrogen bomb, was detonated by the Soviet Union in the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, on October 30, 1961. The device was actually capable on handling double the power but reduced to limit radioactive fallout.
Only one of these was ever built and tested.


For biggest non-nuclear explosions, see here:


if you mean bombs i would assume the bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki were the largest. they killed 140,000 people. The bombs were names "little boy" and "the fat man". Then there is the nuclear reaction at Chernobyl.