Public Opinion Poll for school assignment?

I have to conduct a public opinion poll for my government class. if you would please answer these questions it would be very helpful...
1. What is your age?

2. What is your gender?

3. How important do you believe is the role of political parties in government?
Very Important, Somewhat Important, Somewhat Unimportant, Very Unimportant

4. What political party do you identify with if you identify with one at all?

5. How would you describe the strength of your investment in this party?
Strong, Somewhat Strong, Moderate, Somewhat Weak, Weak


Favorite Answer

1. 15
2. Female
3. Very Important
4. Labour
4. Strong


1. 18
2. Male
3. Very important.
4. I don't associate myself with a political label, as there is misconception tied to every one. I support equality in every way.
5. Strong


well your probably american and i'm scottish/british so my political view are a lot diffrent