Don't understand this formula for my uterus measurements. Am having a hysterectmy in Jan. Pls help me.?
Findings: The uterus measures 12.4x5.0x7.3 cm with an endometrial echo complex that measures 5mm. There are multiple calcified leiomyomata, the largest of which is seen posterior and to the left. It measures 4.1 cm in maximal diameter. The ovaries are not visualized due to shadow from the calcified leiomyomata.
This is what the doctor sent me in response to my question about size. Although specific I really don't understand and am hoping someone can put it into plain English for me or at the very least fruit size. Wanda Sykes is right most Americans don't understand the metric system. My teachers just dropped it. Please help me for my peace of mind. Thank you so much...doctors, mathematicians welcome.