Barbara Kruger - Not Stupid Enough?

Does anyone know the meaning behind Kruger's Not Stupid Enough print?


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Upon each close-up of an American icon, and set into Kruger's characteristic red vinyl frames, she imposes harsh judgmental phrases: not stupid enough over the face of Marilyn Monroe; not angry enough over Malcolm X's; not silent enough and not sexy enough in the frame around Eleanor Roosevelt's; not man enough and not real enough around the face of Andy Warhol. Nobody is enough. Throughout her career, Kruger has struggled against ideals of perfection, with their endless capacity for breeding insecurity and cruelty. In her catalogue essay, art historian Rosalyn Deutsche notes the "plea that runs through all" of Kruger's work. She is always urging people to do better.

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We all know that Marilyn was notorious for playing the "dumb blond". Its ironic that she should be juxtaposed with the words "not stupid enough".


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