I have to conduct a public opinion poll for my government class. if you would please answer these questions it would be very helpful...
1. What is your age?

2. What is your gender?

3. How important do you believe is the role of political parties in government?
Very Important, Somewhat Important, Somewhat Unimportant, Very Unimportant

4. What political party do you identify with if you identify with one at all?

5. How would you describe the strength of your investment in this party?
Strong, Somewhat Strong, Moderate, Somewhat Weak, Weak

to clarify, this relates to U.S. politics


for the last question it is something like, for example, if you're a democrat, are you a strong democrat, somewhat strong democrat, moderate democrat...etc.


Favorite Answer

1. 26
2. M
3. Very unimportant.
4. Libertarian Party.


1. What is your age? 48

2. What is your gender? female

3. How important do you believe is the role of political parties in government?
Very Important, Somewhat Important, Somewhat Unimportant, Very Unimportant

somewhat important

4. What political party do you identify with if you identify with one at all?


5. How would you describe the strength of your investment in this party?
Strong, Somewhat Strong, Moderate, Somewhat Weak, Weak

Not sure what you mean. I don't work for them or volunteer or give money or anything, but I will never be anything else. So, if it's the first part of my sentence, it would be moderate. If it's the second part of my sentence, it's strong. Choose what you mean.


1. I'd rather not answer this precisely. Between 20 - 40.
2. Male.
3. Somewhat important.
4. The most moderate elements of the Democratic Party.
5. None.


1. 27
2. male
3. It should be very unimportant, as long as those in congress vote for what is right, unfortunately we see members of congress voting based on party ties, some are starting to reject this and starting to wake up and realize america is becoming sick of this.
4. Use to be die hard republican until the party left my conservative values, im now an independant conservative, and will support anyone democrat, republican etc, as long as they support my values.
5. N/A

Just Another Guy with an Avatar2009-11-20T14:15:10Z

1. 15

2. Male

3. Very important

4. Democratic Party

5. Well, I'm 15. Weak--that's the best I can do.

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