I am writing a report about the 2nd amendment and its relation to the 9th amendment?

of the United States Constitution. Besides D.C. v. Heller (2008) and McDonald v. Chicago, does anyone else know of any other USSC opinions on either subject? Does anyone know if these two amendments have ever been related before in any federal court opinion? Also, since this is a natural rights question, what do any of you think about our gun rights? (Please only answer based on logic and law, no emotional based answers, thanks)


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I don't see the 9th amendment having too much to do with the 2nd, though the 9th is important too. Clearly, we have a right to breath the atmospheric oxygen around us without tax on Earth, even if we don't have a constitutional right specifically refering to it. But the second amendment really makes a point.... Our founding fathers were so adamant our right to bear arms, they didn't just assume it would be covered by the 9th, they came flat out and demanded that our right to bear arms is not infringed.

Unfortunately, our right to bear arms is being infringed all the time... =(