How to defend Khalid Sheikh Mohammed?

How to defend Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: (I am almost afraid to post this. His defense team could do it and it might work.) Mohammed did not do it. September 11, 2001 was a conspiracy by the Bush Administration. The defense team would put 9/11 conspiracy theorists that have “proof” of the inside job on the stand with their proof. This would expose the theorists to cross examination and require that they present a complete, rational, plausible explanation for 9/11 that does not include 19 fanatical Islamists, high-jacking 4 airliners, and flying them into buildings. If they don’t do it is pretty good proof that the conspiracy theories cannot stand up to the rules of evidence and the theorists are full of crap. Or, the defense team is also in on the conspiracy and won’t put on the best defense, “My client is innocent. He did not do it and I can prove who did.”


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I don't think that's going to happen. There will be no defense, in fact he will probably act as his own lawyer so he can spit his garbage propaganda all over the courtroom. He will be found guilty of 2000 some odd counts of murder, and will be executed. Which is exactly what he wants. He'll be considered a Martyr by his fellow band of savages.


Having read and embraced the book he goes by, I would just point to the story of the two nations and point to the fact that he was led astray. Many young Muslims are being led astray which is why those who live by the book and stand by the book need to stand together and extend direction to those of the precipice of also being led astray. I love the Quran and all the answers can be found in it, the science in the book is amazing, but too many people are afraid to read it, they think it will turn them or god knows what... It's sad when people argue about a book that most of them refuse to even pick up and read with an objective mind. And yes it's possible that it was a set up situation and it's possible it's not, but if I were an attorney, I'd go with his mind got twisted and he lost his direction, I pray for him and all Muslims that they are guided toward the Deen...