Foolishness of christianity (creationist) and evolution.?
I think it is time that both parties admit to the foolishness of what is believed (stick with me here):
Christianity: We believe (yes, I am a Christian) that an eternal, all powerful spirit created all things, including time. He made people, who disobeyed him, so a part of God, who is fully God came as a man, being completely man and completely God and was murdered for our sakes.He was then resurrected, floated up into the sky, and sent to his followers the Spirit of God, (who is also God) to help them. One day, that man will come back again on a white horse to get all of those who believe in him.
Evolution: Nothing created everything. Usually described by the big bang in which there was nothingness that exploded and created all energy and matter. The earth was formed as a result, then when rain and lightning came together randomly a basic single cell creature was created. Over billions of years of mutation and replication it became every living creator on the face of the earth. Somehow these cells grew wings, lungs, gills, legs, scales, incredibly complex body parts and functions, etc. As these creators evolved they evolved with compatible mates, which had also evolved sexual organs though luckily one was male and the other female. The earth continues in this manner, until mankind came on the scene. Likely we and most creatures around us will evolve and become different creatures all together.
Any origin thesis and any religion sounds foolish... it just does. However, someone is right.
One gives hope, and purpose. The other says we are only chance, that we are accountable to no one, and death is the end of it all.
Lets respect one another, and share our thoughts.
and Christians remember: 1Co 1:18-19
(18) For the preaching of the cross is foolishness to those being lost, but to us being saved, it is the power of God.
(19) For it is written, "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and I will set aside the understanding of the perceiving ones."
Red: So what does evolution say then? Where did it all come from? Or do you believe that time has no beginning? Is mass and energy eternal?
While I will admit that I lumped evolution and big bang together, I still supplied other sounding foolishness of evolution. Do not dodge it. If you do believe in evolution, what do you believe about origin (if not the big bang). I will say however, that it is usually accepted to mention the big band as the origin of evolution.
Evolutionist: Are you just full of hatered? Do you not see that i also claimed that my beliefs sound foolish. Just take a second to objectively evaluate what you believe. Set aside your hate, and emotions. See past your nit picking and get the point of my statements.