Tips to feel more energized?

I am constantly busy. Mon-Friday my day begins at 6:00 a.m. and I don't get home until 6. Then I have to make myself dinner, and by the time I finish all of my homework it's normally 11 or 12 p.m. and I pass out, just to restart the next morning.

Some people say, "Do your homework at lunch. In class." Well, I do. That's the problem. I have so much homework that even doing it at those times doesn't help the many hours after school.

What can I do to be more energized?! To not feel so run down. I take vitamins already!


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Is there any homework you are not required to do that you could live with skipping out on?

I think a good idea would be to give yourself one weekday evening per week to relax a bit. You get home at 6 then have dinner, so say maybe one night a week you will only do homework from 7pm-9pm and then you will relax/go to bed early. Then on Saturday or Sunday afternoon you can catch up on it. That's what I do, because I'm a third year honors university student and have TONS of work to do. I run myself ragged every night doing work until 11 pm, so I give myself one night a week where I don't do much homework. Then weekends it's much easier to finish the work because you get to sleep in, and I find it easier to do work in the afternoon than at night.

Plus then you can go to bed earlier and be more refreshed the next day. Also, make sure you are taking even short ten min. breaks every couple hours during your homework marathons. After a couple hours straight, you start to get tired and your work quality may decline. Take a ten min break to get a glass of milk or a banana. Eat healthy snacks, not junk food, and this will help you feel a bit better. Especially make sure you are getting enough iron, because low iron can make you feel really weak and tired!

Or maybe you could order food out once a week? So then you have a bit more time to do work so you aren't spending so much time cooking and doing your dishes, because even going to bed half an hour earlier must sound wonderful (I know it sounds great to me! I'm wiped and still trying to write a 12 page essay).


Get enough sleep, at least 8 hours. Eat breakfast, something with protein and carbs (which will give you energy) Try to drink water everyday. Also stretching and exercise will give you energy.

Improving your diet will give you energy for sure. Id suggest coffee but youll crash from the caffeine. Just drink it if you need some fast energy now, not later.


Get a good night's sleep and eat a good breakfast. I know this sounds lame, but those are the 2 most important things in feeling refreshed. Or, you could take a cool shower in the morning.


You could drink more water. Ask for help with your homework from teachers. Uhmm.... take naps when you can haha. Sorry I'm not much of a help.


Go to bed early and in the morning drink a glass of milk or juice.

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