What should I choose as my investment elections for 401K?
How should I invest my 401k? Hi I'm 29 and want to start my 401k, I plan on contributing $200 a month and the company I work for will match 50% up to 5% of the pay I put in. I don't know if I said that right lol. Thanks for the help, this is with Fidelity. I wish I could put more, but I have to put $100 in each of my children's 529 account. I have 2 babies (a 3 year old and 10 month old).
These are my options...
Asset Class Subclass Fund Name
Blended Investments -- BLKRK ASSET ALLOC IS
Blended Investments -- FA FREEDOM 2005 I
Blended Investments -- FA FREEDOM 2010 I
Blended Investments -- FA FREEDOM 2015 I
Blended Investments -- FA FREEDOM 2020 I
Blended Investments -- FA FREEDOM 2025 I
Blended Investments -- FA FREEDOM 2030 I
Blended Investments -- FA FREEDOM 2035 I
Blended Investments -- FA FREEDOM 2040 I
Blended Investments -- FA FREEDOM 2045 I
Blended Investments -- FA FREEDOM 2050 I
Blended Investments -- FA FREEDOM INC I
Bond Investments Stable Value FA STABLE VALUE
Bond Investments Income FA INVST GRD BOND I
Bond Investments Income FA STRAT INCOME I
Stock Investments Large Cap 1ST AMER EQ INDEX Y
Stock Investments Large Cap ABF LG CAP VAL INV
Stock Investments Large Cap BLKRK EQUITY DIV I
Stock Investments Large Cap FA NEW INSIGHTS I
Stock Investments Large Cap OPPHMR MAIN ST OPP Y
Stock Investments Mid-Cap COL MID CAP VALUE Z
Stock Investments Mid-Cap THORNBURG CORE GR R5
Stock Investments Small Cap COL SM CAP VAL II Z
Stock Investments Small Cap FA SMALL CAP I
Stock Investments International BLKRK INTL OPP INST
Stock Investments International FA INTL DISCOVERY I view restriction(s)
Stock Investments International THORNBURG INT VAL R5
Favorite Answer
Stable value bond fund small cap large cap international I don't like the target funds - you never know what they are investing in. /
These funds provide good diversification options. The blended ones are mutual funds allocating the capital to stocks and bonds. Since you are young, you should choose one of the longer periods such as 2050. This will allocate more capital to stocks, which in the long run provide the best return. The higher the year, the higher the allocation to stocks. At the moment FA Freedom 2050 has 88.6% in stocks and around 9% in bonds. A quarter of the stocks are in foreign stocks. You need to decide whether this is too much and maybe choose a shorter timeframe.
With the other funds you can choose this allocation yourself. Interesting points to consider are:
- as long as the dollar keeps falling, international stocks and bonds are very good - when interest rates start rising in the next couple of years, you will not want to be in bonds for a while
All in all, markets fluctuate over time and what is a good investment today might be not so good in a couple years time. Whatever your choice, you should consider the longer term trends in markets. The Freedom 2050 is a good allocation at this time and provides a decent return in the long run, but you will have full exposure to market crashes along the way. There can be years such as this year, where you see 50% of your assets evaporate - at least for a short period of time.
So.. Penny stocks, also known as cent stocks in some countries, are common shares of small public companies that trade at low prices per share. They are notoriously risky but if you follow a special method I've learned you can earn good money at almost no risk. This is the site I use: http://pennystocks.toptips.org
I definitely recommend subscribing to this site in particular. Very good research, quality stocks. I was a bit weary of penny stocks from all the bad hype they receive but this guy is pretty legit. He's put my mind at ease with a lot of the fears I've had. I especially like that he doesn't send out announcements left and right. I've signed up for other websites that fill my in-box with one company after the other. I don't know where to even start with so many choices in front of me! Nathan sends me one idea a week and that's all I need. Working so many hours during the week leaves me with very little time when I get home to start doing tons of penny stock research. I'm always eager to see what Nathan's next suggestion is each Friday and I love having time on the weekend to do my research.
As said above if you want to make money with penny stocks you have to follow some proven methods. This one in my opinion is the best: http://pennystocks.toptips.org Best
something along the lines of :5% Bond, 20-25% International, 35-40% small / mid cap funds, 10- 15% specialty fund, the balance in large cap funds.
Stay away from those freedom / target funds, i.e. 2015
In the future when the stock market is in a dip DO NOT PANIC / sell or go conservative. Use those drops in the market to increase your contributions, if possible. BUY when things are on sale.
There's lots of literature available on this including on the Fidelity website. Bottom line is that you want diversification (stocks: large cap, small cap and international - bonds for fixed income).
Don't be confused by the fancy names they give these funds ("New Horizons," "Strategic Income", etc.). Go to Morningstar.com and pull up each specific fund. They have a nice little pie chart there that tells what each fund actually invests in. If you don't feel able to do this yourself, stick with the target-date fund or a good balanced fund.