If I get married, but don't change my last name... can I still put my title down as Mrs. ...?
I get that if I was Miss Smith, say, and got married to Mr Brown, if I changed my name I would be Mrs Brown. But if I didn't change it... would I ever be called Mrs Smith? Or would it just be Ms Smith from then on?
Just curious Thank you
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No, you aren't Mrs. unless you take his surname. So you will be Ms. only. Just a consequence of your choice!
My mother does that (UK), calling herself Mrs [her maiden name]. But it causes havoc with other things for example bank accounts, mortage, loans, booking holidays as a family is harder, passports sometimes go to the wrong place, often if one of us (husband or kids) signs for a package for her they will say "Hey, you're not her family!" and apologise and drive back to the post office regardless of what we say. Pretty much every legal/official thing we do is a real pain in the *** because of it. Even school reports were messed up frequently, and she often didn't receive invitations to parents evenings and such - they assumed my father was a widower.
Where I live (province of Quebec, Canada), woman have no choice but keeping their maiden name when they marry. It's like that since 1981. I thought they did it to look open to women's right and all, but no, they did it to save time on name-changing paperwork! So here, all married women are Mrs. (Maiden name). It kind of sucks because I would have wanted to take my husband's last name.