My baby prefers store bought baby food :( Help!?

My little guy has been eating solids for about a month now and up til this point, I've used store bought baby food. Recently I decided to prepare my own using a great little cook book that I found. Trouble is, Tommy doesn't like the stuff I make! I've tried him with homemade squash, peas, yams and carrots but he refuses to eat any of it. I think the texture of my food is different from what he's used to despite me pureeing the heck out of everything. Ultimately I know that homemade food is probably better for him and less expensive for me but how do I get around this? He shuts his mouth up tight and cries when I put it in his mouth. Should I persevere with this or go back to store bought??


Favorite Answer

Maybe experiment with different textures. See if he just wants it thicker. Try veggies by themselves, try mixing veggies together....

I bought jarred food for a while as well and so when I started making their food it took a couple tries to make the right texture/consistency. If it's too thin, my boys spit it out and refuse. It's all just trial and error....

Good luck