When is science dead?

I already know the answer.Just want to see what kind of responses I will get.


Science is dead when it becomes politicized.Take the global warming scam that is currently going on.When the people with money and power can buy off scientists,then they can no longer be called scientists,thus putting all science in a negative light.
Manipulating data is not a new phenomenon,to be sure.But when that skewed data is used to support legislation such as cap and trade and other policies that will have such a chilling effect(pun intended)on a nation's economy,then my faith in scientists has died right along with science.


Favorite Answer

Science is not a form of life, thus it is never dead.


The day everyone stops using the products of science - and goes back to living in a tree. As long as you are using the internet, owning a cell phone, using electricity, eating food you didn't grow yourself (and without fertilizers or insect repellent) talking about the 'end of science' is simply hypocritical.


Science died the day it neglected to acknowledge Intelligent design. I don't care what your opinion is on the subject. The fact is, mainstream science will not even listen to those theories, much less test them. When science is so full of itself that it is unwilling to test new hypotheses it is no longer functioning. It would be like if we never discovered that the Earth is round, or the sun is the center of the solar system. Assuming that you are correct is just plain bad science. I college I was taught to question everything. They meant everything but evolution. If it is so blatantly obvious, why not do some of the ID experiments, publish the results, and wait for them to be replicated. Them the whole thing would be done and over with. Unless, those experiments started to unravel evolution. Maybe that is what they are afraid of.

Peter R2009-11-25T16:54:48Z

Science never dies!!!! But we do :)

Science is dead when its practitioners stop having an open mind and all the known things we can do are not getting us anywhere new.

Or, when someone beats them at their best game and that person is not a "scientist". This has happened actually. :)

orAnGE jULiuS2009-11-25T08:24:12Z

Science is dead when Technology no longer benefits humans.

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