do you ppl believe in the 2012 prediction that the world will end?
I'm wondering how many people believes in this certain year that the world will end if you agree or disagree please, explain your reason. Me well i'm in defense i'm not sure what to believe but i guess to disagree.
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"i'm in defense i'm not sure what to believe but i guess to disagree."
WTF does that mean?
How did you get 24% Best Answer and you can't write a coherent sentence?
2012 is a hoax. There is no argument, it's just a hoax. Not even a credible hoax. "The Cardiff Giant" was a credible hoax. Sure, it was ludicrous, but people needed to examine the evidence before dismissing it. For 2012, you just need to let the nutters like Jose Arguelles or Nancy Lieder or Zech Stichin... let them talk. They will convince you that the whole thing is a hoax, simply because THEY are so unbelievable.
Arguelles thinks he is a reincarnated priest? Yeah... that's likely.
Lieder thinks she gets frequent sky miles from a Flying Saucer? Tin hat... extra small, please.
Stichin says he can read stuff in ancient Assyrian that none of the scholars can? Nurse Ratched! We have a LIVE one!
All the so-called “Mayan prophecies of 2012” are nothing more than wildly speculative extrapolations, which are based on the yet uncertain interpretations by scholars of Mayan hieroglyphs. However, the truth is that apart from the astrological convergence, there is little indication that the Mayans prophesied anything specific regarding the events of this distant future. The Mayans were not prophets; they were not even able to predict their own cultural extinction. They were great mathematicians and accomplished sky watchers, but they were also a brutally violent tribal people with a primitive understanding of natural phenomena, subscribing to archaic beliefs and the barbaric practices of blood-letting and human sacrifice. There is absolutely nothing in the Bible that would present December 21, 2012, as the end of the world. While that date is no less valid for an end-times event than any other future date, the Bible nowhere presents the astronomical phenomena the Mayans pointed to as a sign of the end times. It would seem very inconsistent of God to allow the Mayans to discover such an amazing truth while keeping the many Old Testament prophets ignorant of the timing of the events. In summary, there is absolutely no biblical evidence that the 2012 Mayan prophecy / prediction of doomsday is in any sense valid or probable. Accepting the Mayan 2012 prophecy logically requires acceptance of the following theories: our sun is a god; the sun is powered by the blood of human sacrifice; the creation moment occurred at 3114 B.C. (despite all evidence that it happened much earlier); and the visual alignment of stars has some significance for everyday human life. Like every other false religion, the Mayan religion sought to elevate to the point of worship that which was created in place of the Creator Himself. The Bible tells us about such false worshipers: “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator” (Romans 1:25), and “since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse” (Romans 1:20). To accept the Mayan 2012 prophecy also denies the clear biblical teaching about the end of the world, because Jesus told us “…of that day and hour no one knows, no, not the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but the Father” (Mark 13:32).
One of several Mayan calendars is the Long Count calendar, which is reset to day 0 every 1,872,000 days or 7057.5 years. The next reset date, by some calculations, is December 21, 2012. This is not a prediction of the end of the world. Here is what a Mayan elder says on the subject:
These predictions are scare tactics, conspiracy theories, and chances to make money from books and movies.
Ever since the Y2K and 6/6/6 (June 6, 2006) End of the World scenarios did not pan out, the scare mongers, conspiracy theorists, book sellers, and television executives have been touting the 2012 End of the World scenario. When 2012 does not happen either, I am sure they will think of something else.
Here is also what NASA thinks about the 2012 End of the World scenario:
If you want a bit more information on the 2012 hoax, try:
"But of that day or hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come." (Mark 13:32-33)
Jesus told us in no uncertain terms that we were not to know when the end of the world would come but that we were always to be ready.
The early Christian Church thought that Jesus was going to return at any moment. Only after a couple of centuries did the Church realize that it may be 2,000 or 4,000 or 8,000 years before Jesus returns.
The Catholic Church wisely follows Jesus' advice and teaches that each of us should live as if we will meet our maker in the next ten minutes and that we need to work to make the world a better place for our 100 X great-grandchildren.
Do not worry about the end of the world. Trust God to make sure everything happens to plan. Just be ready to meet God at any time.
For more information, about what Catholics believe about the end of the world, see:
The world will NOT end in 2012... there might be strange events that will happen but it WILL NOT end.... its just suppose to be the beginning of a new era