What works for eliminating termites in my house?


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assuming you mean for subterranean termites..what you can do to help would be make sure they aren't coming in from a faulty grade where the soil around the home is higher than the bottom of the veneer. Other than that, when you have it treated insist they use a product called Termidor. Stay away from the baits, way too much money for no more the results.


The methods differ between termite types and a host of other factors. They're sneaky little critters and it often takes a deal of knowledge to avoid making a right mess of things. The general answer is baiting for subterraneans and fumigation for drywoods (http://drdons.net/termite-control-methods ) but that mightn't be right for you. Find a competent inspector (http://drdons.net/content/choose ) and get a timber pest inspection done first. Then you'll know what your dealing with and have a good idea of the best/cheapest way to proceed.


Call a pro to do it. Termites can do a lot of damage if not treated correctly. If you do it your self use bait stations.


An exterminator. This isn't something you want to go cheap on. Your investment is too great.