What do guys who dance wear?

Girls wear leotards and tutus and all that what kind of clothing do guys wear? I'm just curious, my kid brother is starting to take an interest in dancing.


he's been asking our parents for tap dancing lessons for Christmas


I'm sorry I guess my question wasn't specific enough. What do they wear at performances like recitals and stuff, if they have those in tap dancing.


Favorite Answer

Well, ballet guys will usually wear a shirt and tights for a ballet, but if he's interested in tap, it's a lot different.

At my studio, all the girls order costumes that are alike, and if there's only 1 or 2 guys, they just have to wear black or white pants (sometimes tan, it really depends on the girls' costumes), and a shirt that is the same color as what the girls are wearing. Sometimes, for special numbers, they'll have him wear a suit or something- but that's pretty much it.


For ballet: If it's a younger kid (as your brother is) usually black leggings with a blank white tee shirt tucked into them is what boys at my studio wore. Teenagers too. I wouldn't worry about getting male tights until he's older and is seriously into dance.

Hip hop: It's always better in dance to wear clothes that fit at least, and that are preferably form fitting. Especially with hip hop, you don't want to snag yourself on your baggy clothes. SO true when doing modern. I know from experience.

Ballroom is all about the shoes. For competitions, there are certain regulations about what to wear. In classes, wear whatever you can move in.

If you're still at a loss for what to wear, check out what the teacher is wearing when you/he go(es) to the first class. Next time he'll get an idea of what to do.

Good luck and I hope he has fun!


From what I saw at my studio for the guy that danced in the tap class wore black pants and a shirt that was coordinated to go with the girls costumes. For everyday class sweats and a t shirt would work.


Along with what Brooke said most of my teachers recommend that the guys wear dance belts (you can ask at any dance clothing store, or get one online easily.) A lot of guys wear beaters or t-shirts and, depending on the teacher and the class, tights/biker shorts or loose track like pants or pj like pants. Generally clothing that will not in any way restrict your movement.

Rainbow Razor Blades2009-12-04T05:20:10Z

Guys wear leotards too. Im not even joking. Of course, they get to wear dance pants.

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