Strange question I guess, for my Jewish friends: plants associated with your holidays?

If one were to give a gift of a potted plant for any holiday, are there any specific traditional ones? For example, with Christian holidays, people give poinsettias for Christmas, or lilies for Easter.

Are there any types of potted plants associated with any Jewish holidays that make nice gifts?

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Dances with Unicorns2009-12-06T22:04:52Z

Favorite Answer

There are a few holidays with which certain plants are associated. An esrog/etrog (a citron), is one of the Four Species associated with Sukkot, the others being the date palm, willows, and myrtle.

We have a "New Year for the Trees," Tu b'Shevat, which is sort of a Jewish Arbor day celebration.

In Deutoronomy 8:8, the Torah states that "God is bringing you to a good land - a land with streams and pools of water, with springs flowing in the valleys and hills; a land iwth wheat and barley, vines and fig trees, pomegranates, olive oil, and honey," so these species are meaningful to us. According on the symbolism in the teachings of Kabbala, the "seven kinds" with which the Land of Israel is blessed--wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives and dates--represent the qualities of transcendence, vitality, joy, awareness, action, struggle and tranquility.

On Shavuot, we adorn our homes with greenery and flowers, to commemorate the tradition that when the Torah was given to us, Mt. Sinai bloomed and sprouted flowers.

We also consider it to be a mitzvah - a "good deed" - to plant trees in Israel in honor (or in memory) of a friend or loved one.

As to a gift, a potted plant is certainly appropriate, as are flowers (except for Jewish funerals - we consider flowers inappropriate for sad times); I'm sure that whatever you chose would be enjoyed and appreciated.


In general, no, BUT, a citrus tree for Sukkot might be interesting since the etrog is a citrus plant. If you could find an etrog tree specifically, that'd be something special, if the environment could support such a tree. Not exactly a potted sort of plant but...


look up Succah and another holiday (like a Jewish arbor day) begins with a t, plants are connected to these holidays


why don't you just bring the hostess a bouquet. or buy a potted african violet everyone loves those. thats if you must bring a plant as a gift


Dunno about potted plants, but for Sukkot you have an option of 4.

The Esrog (Citrus I think it's called).
Palm leaves (dates might be appropiate)
Haddassim (Myrtle)
Aravot (not sure what they are in English).

Flowers are very appropiate for Shavuot.

And horseradish or some kind of lettuce for Passover? *shrug*

Edit: my in-laws have a wandering Jew plant in their home.

Also, little pricly stuff that are thrown in some communities on Tisha B'av.

Pine branches for Schach on Sukkot?

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