Is it smart for our news channels to divulge every single aspect of our proposed troop moves?

Is it just me or is our military plans the only thing that our new government is making transparent?


Favorite Answer

No! It only helps our enemies!

Answer this one, too!


I'm sure that when it is to the Military's advantage to have their plans revealed, they tell the media. Like in the Gulf War, the pentagon had this big dog and pony show on the beach of Kuwait. All the media were locked up on an aircraft carrier and under armed marine guard. Yet my friend the ex military pilot in viet nam was outraged that they were actually making a live broadcast of the marines landing in Kuwait to push Saddam back to Iraq. This moments before the real battle began.

The media does not reveal what the government wants them to keep secret, including "leaks" from unknown sources.


I think it's a pretty sure bet that the media is not reporting anything that the enemy doens't already know or will find out soon enough. It's not like actual details are being given.

Tonite's top story: a squad of 15 Rangers are being air-dropped into the region immediately north of Andraskan about 2200 local time. Their mission is to find General Watsisname and either capture or assassinate him. They will be approaching from the southwest in two Blackhawk helicopters operating on frequency 221.2

I mean, come on... you think the enemy isn't paying attention regardless of the media? You think they're going to somehow miss a buildup of troops?


We don't divulge every single aspect of our proposed troop moves. It violates operations security (OPSEC) to divulge any information not already given out by commanding officials. For example, we can't tell the public which units are going to deployed until the military deems it fit.


Hello Mr. LA.

No is it not smart of the new media. Rather, it is "stupid" and Anti-American.

Such "news" helps the enemy know our plans and "intentions" and they can have advance notice to develop their own plans about how to circumvent our own military plans and it puts the lives of our own troops into added danger.

Also, I encourage every citizen to stop adopting these Political "buzzwords" that politicians come up with such as the newest one: "transparency."

When did you or anybody else you know walk around in life talking about their "transparency?"

These words are unintelligent and serve only to distract the American people from straight, honest, and sincere talk and answers to important questions that affect our lives.

Best wishes,

Larry Smith
SMSgt, USAF (Ret.)
First Sergeant

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