Would you believe this person if...?

Suppose you smoked (yes, I know it is bad, but this is just theoretical) and a famous President (not to be named) told you that your cigarette smoke was killing others due to second hand smoke (please do not debate the dangers of 2nd hand smoke in answer). Then after telling you this and attempting to make you feel guilty because of your actions, this same president proceeded to light his own cigarette and blow smoke in your face. Would you accept this persons criticism and quit smoking (or any other behavior you personally enjoy, but others may not) or would you continue to live your own life and label this person a huge hypocrite?

Now let's look at the AGW scenario. We have famous people (politicians and actors) who fly in private jets, own multiple large mansions, drive in large cars, travel to far away destinations, and basically do every thing they want you to stop. Do you believe them or do you label them as the largest hypocrites known to man kind? Below is evidence of this behavior. My message to Al Gore any those hypocrites like him is, "Hey Al, how about my carbon footprint up your ___?"






I love how the left forgives those with money while they deride the poor or middle class. COMMON ON! Be at least intelectually honest enough to admit these people DO NOT believe what they preach. If I believed we were all going to die, I would sell my car and walk every where. Luckily, I am more informed than that and realize that this is a political game, nothing more.


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But you need the examine the history of the ancestors of the AGW con people and their record of reliability.

Alexander the great.
Julius Caesar
King Richard of Briton
The kings of France
The kings of Germany
The kings of England
Benito Mussolini
Franco of Spain
Adolph Hitler
Joseph Stalin

This is only a minute sampling of a few of the more prominent liberals of history that have murdered millions of hard working civilians and ravaged entire cultures to steal their properties. You have to remember that liberals are the wolves and jackals of humanity who produce nothing while stealing from the society that which they feel they need to live a good life. Al Gore and Bill Clinton are prime examples of typical liberal jackals as is Jimmy Carter. They produce nothing worth while as they pillage and rob the productive citizens of what ever economy they decide to raid.

Some scientific information revealing the truth about global warming, when it happened and what probably caused it. And as well how many years, centuries or millennia it might be before the world warms up again from the coming ice age.
Where the heat came from and why it was abnormally cold previously


So if Little Johnny jumps off a cliff, then you should too? Arguing about whether or not somebody is a hypocrite is not a good argument for doing something. If somebody is being hypocritical, then you should call them out on it--but that is no justification for you doing the same thing.

And just because people meet to work out international agreements does not mean that they are being hypocritical. This is a very large international conference with representatives from virtually every time zone, do you really think one huge conference call will work? Besides, if agreements are worked that roll back greenhouse gas emissions then whatever was emitted by going to the meeting will be insignificant compared to the savings.

Think of it this way: suppose you're trying to save money, but you find out that if you spend a dollar you will get a million dollars in return. Would you be hypocritical to spend that dollar? No, you'd be foolish not to.

Someone else being hypocritical is never justification for doing something yourself.

EDIT: Selling your car and walking everywhere will do essentially nothing, unless everyone else does it, that's why people are meeting in Copenhagen, to try and come up with a global solution. People may or may not be hypocrites, I don't really care, it's the science that's important. You should judge the science separately from the mitigation and the hypocrisy.


If someone is guilty of not taking his own advice, that is NOT proof is advice is bad. If someone is eating a cheeseburger and tells you to eat brocoli, you should eat brocoli. If some idiot is a smoker, you should stop smoking. If some idiot need a 200hp car to get five miles to work, you should walk anyway.

In the case of Al Gore, yes he's a hippocrite. His advice is still very good though.



If these people truly believed that the world is coming to an end because of our conspicuous consumption and carbon emissions, would they really take limousines and private jets to an opulent 2-week soiree in Europe?

Methinks not.


It is liberal elitism at its finest. Do as I say, not as I do.

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