What gift should I give Her for Christmas??

I have a friend who is a girl. She's not a girlfriend but we're cool and we hang out together all the time. I think I should get her a christmas gift but I don't know what to get her. I know I shouldn't spend too much but what are some good IDEAS??????


Favorite Answer

itunes gift card, a movie, a scarf...

good luck and God Bless

answer mine?http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091208180923AAhCrIA&r=w


Get her a Beautiful Christmas decoration, like an Angel. One that lights up. or plays music. Or a beautiful Necklace. Get her this record : God is Great, Beer is good and People are crazy. (just kidding). Seriously an Angel is a Great gift.


Get her something she's been eying.
If you saw her looking at that new book or that movie that she said looked really good.
It shows that you pay attention and care.
Good Luck!