If this temp graph is true, it would sure seem we are no where near record high temps?
I have seen this temp graph before. If this temp study is true (and I have no reason to believe other wise) then saying we are at unprecedented temps is an outright lie. According to this temp graph, we are no where near the high temps, and more importantly, may be ripe to slide into very frigid weather.
Bucket, I assume you can not defend your position. Attacking the source is not an argument. If you can say the data is wrong, that would be an argument. But, it appears you have no legitimate come back. Try again next week.
Bacceus, Obviously you are not well informed on this as there are studies showing the global temps were much higher in the 1000 to 1400 AD. Also, maybe you are a slow reader. The 450,000 year graph is FROM ANTARCTICA. You may not realize, but that is about as far from Greenland as can be. Sorry, you lose this one.
A side point, what many of you seem to miss (or ignore altogether) is this is the actual data the scientist are using to convince us we are all going to die. And please, do not site any tree ring studies as they are as my 8 year old can figure out why they are not a good proxy.
It is absolutely laughable that you sited the work done by all the people in the climate gate. Their work has become the laughing stock of anyone who knows science. And try this, write all the different authors names down and you will find they overlap horribly. they are basically a bunch of basement dwelling baffoons who cite each others work then call it peer reviewed. Sorry, but you have to use actual studies which have not been completely discredited to prove a point.
Trevor, BTW you denounced my graph for ending soon. How about if they just tacked on some temps onto the end like Mann. ROFL!!!!
Beren, Please actually READ the entire article. The first part deals with Greenland ice cores. The last part uses Arctic. AND they still have the same results!