What do you think of Greg Mortensen and his two books of Afghanistan?

Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace . . . One School at a Time

Stones into Schools: Promoting Peace with Books, Not Bombs, in Afghanistan and Pakistan

'Greg Mortenson: Today there are 78 million female children who can't go to school (120 million children in total) because of slavery, poverty, religious extremism, gender discrimination, and human trafficking. When a girl gets an education to at least a fifth-grade level, three important things happen: Infant mortality drops significantly, population explosion is curbed, and the basic quality of health improves dramatically.

From my own perspective, the first thing that happens is that girls teach their mothers how to read and write. Boys tend to just learn for themselves. Girls immediately start teaching their mothers. It spreads like wildfire.'


Favorite Answer

I had to read Three Cups of Tea for summer reading. (The young adult version btw)

The book itself was okay. It could have been a little more interesting, but then again, non-fiction really isn't my favorite.
His story and his accoplishments are very intresting, courageous and inspiring, however.

So basically: I didn't really like the book, but I like what he's doing for the world. :)


under no circumstances. Like young toddlers who grab and scouse borrow each little thing they'd, if there is an probability to rebel and reason violence, many in Islam bounce on the possibility. the religion very a lot teaches them the thought they're extra suitable to all and sundry else, and that dislike is a wonderfully proper thank you to particular that. do no longer in elementary terms examine the Quran. examine the different holy books of Islam that by utilising Islamic regulation take priority over the Quran, and take priority over lots of the "non violent" components of the Quran. you will see much extra rioting and violence until now its over. My kin fled Islam until now i became born. there's a lot that as alluring interior the midsection East. i'm hoping it survives the reformation back.