Does anyone know of any glove or mitten strings for kids that attach to a jacket?

My son keeps losing his gloves, and it has gotten to the point where I just tell him to pull his hands into the sleeves of his coat when he is going to and from school. At home when he is outside, I have a pair of gloves that I can keep track of so he doesn't lose them.
I am wondering, is there some sort of a glove string that can be attached to the jacket, while the other end attaches to the glove? This way when he took the gloves off, they would still be attached to the jacket - basically just hanging off the sleeve cuffs, then he could just slip his hands into them when he puts his jacket on. I grew up in an area that did not get cold in the winter, so I never put much through into this. I just can't have him keep losing his gloves at school and on the would cost about $30 a month just to keep him in gloves at this point. I have tried reminding him to put the gloves into his pocket, but he is a hyper and easily distracted 5 year old, and just can't remember.
Any ideas would be appreciated!
If there is no such

Elite Fashion Swimwear2009-12-11T07:29:07Z

Favorite Answer


I would use a long string to connect the two gloves and then run one glove up one sleeve and down the other (through the inside of the jacket). I would sew the middle of the string to the jacket's tag if he only has one preferred jacket his wearing, or you can leave it unattached and you can move the glove "pair" from one jacket to another with no trouble. Make sure the string is long enough so that the gloves look like they're hanging off the sleeve cuffs. Ask him to make a T with his hands and then measure horizontally the length of the string you would need. Using this method the string is pretty much invisible, he can simply take the gloves off and let them hanging.

Similar idea done differently:
Measure your string needed as described above and then run one end up one sleeve, through the tag, and down the other sleeve and then sew (attach) the string's ends to the gloves.

Another idea so he does not lose his scarf:
Put the scarf on him the way he likes it, and then look where the scarf touches the jacket's tag and attach the scarf to the scarf (sew it or attach it with a safety pin).

With these ideas, the gloves and the scarf always stay with the jacket so our "forgetful" kids can just go on and enjoy themselves.

I hope it helps.


Gloves On A String

h e a t h e r dancer2009-12-11T07:33:58Z

I found these:,d,nc,3287DKPK_B2,mittens

They come in many different colors.

Hope that helps! I hate finding a missing mitten on the ground... makes me so sad that it's not with it's partner. :(