need to put the finishing touches on my plant deck?
hello yahoo answers...its been a while since ive been on, but i have a deck that needs a lil help and locals arent helping that much
ok now please do not comment on this unless you know what your doing
Monsters x 20
Tytannial x2
Lonefire x2
Caius x2
Mystic Tomato x3
Gigaplant x2
Gk Spy x2
Gk Gaurd
Debris Dragon
Spells x13
Book of Moon x3
Foolish Burial
Card Destruction
Miracle Fertilizer
Heavy Storm
Giant Trunade
Mark of the Rose x2
Allure of darkness x2
Traps x8
Bottomless x2
Mirror Force
Solemn Judgment
Polinosis x2
Wall of Thorns
Call of the Haunted
im thinking about siding into skill drain plants for this so if anyone has an idea for the side any help is appreciated