My hamster is dying, hardly breathing and cold?

I'm sure he's dying, he's only a few months old, he's cold blueish and feels lifeless, he has like contractions to breathe every now and then I'm so sad?

I have any hope at all?


Favorite Answer

Unfortunatly no, wrap him up and keep him comfortable, he sounds like he's in the final stages of death, poor thing. Sorry about your little hammy :( Pet store hams have poor genetics and it's not uncommon for them to either get ill or die suddenly, i'm sure he had a good life with you.


The best thing you can do for little buddy is wrap him up and keep him close to your heart. That way he will not be alone when he passes. That is the absolute best thing that you can do for your buddy at this point in time. I am very sorry - my husband and i have been through this more than a few times.
I'm sorry!!


This happened to one of my mice. It got too cold in the basement where we were keeping him. Wrap him up in a rag and tuck him under your shirt!


I'm very sorry. The best thing to do is hold him close to your heart and stroke him. His life will end with him knowing you love him. I am so sorry. I really can't imagine what it must be like for you.


i had the same thing they get a cold in their lungs and with out med it just get bad er over time cause their lungs fill up with Fluid and with out med they cant be help so say a blessing and give them peace.

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