Atheists: How does it make you feel when a really good song has LORD or GOD or something in the lyrics?

I just listened to Somebody to Love by Queen. LOVE THAT FREAKING SONG. Now it doesn't bother me anymore that LORD appears in it 5 times (not counting Freddie's repeating it). When I was an atheist, I don't recall it bothering me in any way (I don't remember what I thought about it), but I wondered what you think about it, if anything?

You think it's just a fill-in word, and accepted word, or the singer's or writer's real feelings?


Favorite Answer

I don't care. At all.


It would seem to me that God is a very emotional part of life.

We always use terms like oOh my God, or go to hell, whether or not we believe in it. It's just a sense of being emotional and using phrases to rightly grasp those emotional situation.

And songs are an emotional outlet, so it would make sense that some songs would use terms like God and Lord.

And in any case, I'm not christian but I still like the song Amazing Grace.

VeggieTart -- Let's Go Caps!2009-12-16T20:22:46Z

Nah, I don't mind too much. Heck, I even like some of Evanescence's stuff, and I'm a feisty anti-religion secular humanist. If it's a good song, it's a good song, and who cares if the singer throws around filler words like "god"?


Lemme guess...watching Happy Feet too, huh?

As for words like that, I just ignore it. Have to do that a lot these days once the radio stations turn to Christmas music 24/7 for over a month.

Dean M2009-12-16T20:13:10Z

I love the song Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd, and that song talks about someone being up above. I kind of treat it like a radio edit and just move on.

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